I would suggest that you consider coding the solution up in F#, as my friend Tom Wells has done. His solution finds all solutions for the 5x5 board in under 5 minutes.
let boardsize = 7
// Setup board in 2d array setting all elements to true
// ___________________
// |0,4|1,4|2,4|3,4|4,4| (x,y)
// |0,3|1,3|2,3|3,3|4,3|
// |0,2|1,2|2,2|3,2|4,2|
// |0,1|1,1|2,1|3,1|4,1|
// |0,0|1,0|2,0|3,0|4,0|
// -------------------
let referenceboard = Array2D.init boardsize boardsize (fun x y -> true)
let legalmoves x y =
// Generate every move (impossible or not)
let possibles = [(x - 1, y - 2); (x - 2, y - 1);
(x + 1, y - 2); (x + 2, y - 1);
(x + 1, y + 2); (x + 2, y + 1);
(x - 1, y + 2); (x - 2, y + 1);]
// Prune the ones falling outside of the board
possibles |> List.filter (fun (x, y) -> x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < boardsize && y < boardsize)
// Is a particular move still available to us? ie not already used
let availablemove x y (board : bool[,]) =
board.[x,y] = true
let rec hunt startx starty (board : bool[,]) (history : List<(int*int)>) foundsolutionfunc =
// Mark the position we're at as being taken
board.[startx,starty] <- false
// Check if we have a solution (ie we've covered the entire board)
if history.Length = boardsize * boardsize then
foundsolutionfunc (history) |> ignore
// Calculate the set of available moves from this point, filtering by positions which we've already used
let availablemoves = legalmoves startx starty |> List.filter (fun (x,y) -> availablemove x y board)
// For each available move, recurse
for (x,y) in availablemoves do
hunt x y (Array2D.copy board) ((x,y) :: history) foundsolutionfunc
let main args =
let starttime = System.DateTime.Now
let solutions = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Tuple<int,int>>()
for x in seq { 0 .. Array2D.length1 referenceboard - 1 } do
for y in seq { 0 .. Array2D.length2 referenceboard - 1 } do
printf "(%d,%d)" x y
hunt x y (Array2D.copy referenceboard) [(x,y)] (fun solution ->
solutions.Add(new System.Tuple<int,int>(x,y))
printf "."
let endtime = System.DateTime.Now
printfn "\nFound %d solutions (took %03f seconds)" solutions.Count (endtime - starttime).TotalSeconds
printfn "Enter to quit"
System.Console.In.ReadLine() |> ignore
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