Sunday, October 24, 2010


Finally, in search of a light-weight text editor for ubuntu - one that has code folding and a decent selection of editing facilities (i.e. a tier above gedit and scite), I come to GEANY.

idiotuser@computer:~$ sudo apt-get install geany

Configure with a dark colour scheme from, and you're good to go.


Quick Punt:

I've been using Geany for a couple of months now, and I can whole-heartedly recommend it. It could do with a couple more short-cut keys (but maybe they're actually in there somewhere and I've just missed them), but other than that, its a winnner. I've been using it on my Lenovo X100e netbook running Ubuntu 10-1- Meerkat, and it runs snappily, so I can do python dev complete with both basic predictive text and symbol explorers, v.nice. For those of you who are not quite VI/EMACS streetfighters, but want a fast but solid python IDE, rub this lamp.

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