Thursday, June 11, 2009

Durban Style Curry

1. Put oil

2. Put more oil [more oil than you would think.]

3. Fry the 'seeds' until they pop

here 'seeds' refers to
- jiru
- mustard seed
- cumin
- cardamom
- coriander
- cloves
- cinnamon
- star anise
- fennel seed
- some or other Indian herb

4. Add 'spices' and fry until they brown

here 'spices' refers to

- hot masala
- bay leaves
- chilli
- fresh ginger (finely chopped)
- ...

5. Add onions and garlic, and fry

6. Add tomatoes, other quicker cooking vegetables, potatoes and meat

in South Africa, use only 'up-to-date' brand potatoes

7. Cook on a low heat for a long time (essentially until potatoes are done)

8. Serve on a paper plate with a polysterene cup of brandy and coke

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