Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Terrorism & Self Worth

I was chatting with an intelligent young lady on Saturday, and over time became rather alarmed.

She was convinced of the following points:

1. The world economy is in a state of collapse.
2. Total ecological holocaust is imminent.
3. Her and her peers, raised to believe that great things were within their reach, should accept their inevitable mediocrity.

On the topic of potential and achievement, I felt that this attitude and the crisis of identity crisis it speaks of, seems to be a direct result from having a top-down / one-to-many media distribution system and the related one-to-many mass production of consumable and semi-durable goods.

This girl felt that she had to do something great, I can only think in order to acquire status or a sense of worth, in order to _justify_ her existence.

As a result of the top-down nature of society this girl does not receive animal satisfaction through co-operative interaction with members of her community, and cannot derive an immediate sense of self-worth as result of the clear and obvious benefit the ramifications of her existence, specifically the fruits of her labour, render to others whom _she_ values.

Unfortunately the likelihood of her successfully emerging from the herd to a position of rarity is made all the more unlikely by the top-down winner-takes-all nature of the current social model.

Thus, she effectively exhibits what I, knowing nothing of Marx, would guess to be classical workers alienation.

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