Monday, August 19, 2013

dotNET Continuous Integration (CI) / Build Servers - Team City & Jenkins


Basic Config
Tutorial from Elegant Code
Change port for TeamCity web server

To Change The Port on Which the Team City Server Runs
In file /conf/server.xml ,
Change Synchronise Build Agent
In file /buildAgent/conf/,
Change serverUrl=http\://localhost\:NewPortNumber

Access via HTTPS
JetBrains Support Note
Configuring TeamCity to use HTTPS/SSL on Windows with a PFX file, and redirecting HTTP to HTTPS

Build Runners - MS Build Scripts
Christophe Geers - Using a MSBuild Script in TeamCity
TC JetBrains Documentation

Delivering Artifacts via FTP
StackOverflow - TeamCity. Publish artifacts after certain build step

FTP & Archive PlugIns

Installing Additional PlugIns

Jenkins Official Site
dotdotNet - Building .NET Application with Jenkins using MSBuild and MSTest

Delphi Reference

Installation on Windows 7

Friday, July 12, 2013

GIT Cheat Sheet


visualise branch branchname
gitk branchname

visualise all branch
gitk --all

visualise change history for file
gitk path_to_file


show all branches, asterisk active branch
git branch

create branch newbranchname from current head commit
git checkout -b newbranchname

git push

Monday, July 8, 2013

Some Stand-Up Comedy - Doug Stanhope

Learn by Doing - Code Schoold - Online Coding Tutorials

Python Sublime Text Editor - V 3 Beta Released

install sublime3 on ubuntu


# view installed packages
Preferences -> Package Control -> List Packages

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Going Back to Simple - Presentation

Parallel Keynote: 8 Lines of Code 
Recorded at:

by Greg Young on Jun 11, 2013

Greg Young discusses eight lines of very common code finding in them massive numbers of dependencies and difficulties, looking for ways to get rid of them.

redshift - adjust display to reduce eye strain


install on ubuntu
ask ubuntu
you@your_box:~/home$ sudo apt-get install redshift redshift-gtk

redshift -l lat:lon

26.2044° S, 28.0456° E
Johannesburg, Coordinates


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Twitter Bootstrap Button Generator

PlugoLabs has created a most excellent site which allows easy experimentation with Twitter Bootstrap buttons.